流行的对象检测度量平均精度(3D AP)依赖于预测的边界框和地面真相边界框之间的结合。但是,基于摄像机的深度估计的精度有限,这可能会导致其他合理的预测,这些预测遭受了如此纵向定位错误,被视为假阳性和假阴性。因此,我们提出了流行的3D AP指标的变体,这些变体旨在在深度估计误差方面更具允许性。具体而言,我们新颖的纵向误差耐受度指标,Let-3D-AP和Let-3D-APL,允许预测的边界框的纵向定位误差,最高为给定的公差。所提出的指标已在Waymo Open DataSet 3D摄像头仅检测挑战中使用。我们认为,它们将通过提供更有信息的性能信号来促进仅相机3D检测领域的进步。
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Panoptic图像分割是计算机视觉任务,即在图像中查找像素组并为其分配语义类别和对象实例标识符。由于其在机器人技术和自动驾驶中的关键应用,图像细分的研究变得越来越流行。因此,研究社区依靠公开可用的基准数据集来推进计算机视觉中的最新技术。但是,由于将图像标记为高昂的成本,因此缺乏适合全景分割的公开地面真相标签。高标签成本还使得将现有数据集扩展到视频域和多相机设置是一项挑战。因此,我们介绍了Waymo Open DataSet:全景视频全景分割数据集,这是一个大型数据集,它提供了用于自主驾驶的高质量的全景分割标签。我们使用公开的Waymo打开数据集生成数据集,利用各种相机图像集。随着时间的推移,我们的标签是一致的,用于视频处理,并且在车辆上安装的多个摄像头保持一致,以了解全景的理解。具体而言,我们为28个语义类别和2,860个时间序列提供标签,这些标签由在三个不同地理位置驾驶的自动驾驶汽车上安装的五个摄像机捕获,从而导致总共标记为100k标记的相机图像。据我们所知,这使我们的数据集比现有的数据集大量数据集大的数量级。我们进一步提出了一个新的基准,用于全景视频全景分割,并根据DeepLab模型家族建立许多强大的基准。我们将公开制作基准和代码。在https://waymo.com/open上找到数据集。
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由于其在自主驾驶中的应用,因此基于单眼图像的3D感知已成为一个活跃的研究领域。与基于激光雷达的技术相比,单眼3D感知(包括检测和跟踪)的方法通常会产生较低的性能。通过系统的分析,我们确定了每个对象深度估计精度是界限性能的主要因素。在这种观察过程中,我们提出了一种多级融合方法,该方法将不同的表示(RGB和伪LIDAR)和跨多个对象(Tracklets)的时间信息结合在一起,以增强对目标深度估计。我们提出的融合方法实现了Waymo打开数据集,KITTI检测数据集和Kitti MOT数据集的每个对象深度估计的最新性能。我们进一步证明,通过简单地用融合增强的深度替换估计的深度,我们可以在单眼3D感知任务(包括检测和跟踪)方面取得重大改进。
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The research community has increasing interest in autonomous driving research, despite the resource intensity of obtaining representative real world data. Existing selfdriving datasets are limited in the scale and variation of the environments they capture, even though generalization within and between operating regions is crucial to the overall viability of the technology. In an effort to help align the research community's contributions with real-world selfdriving problems, we introduce a new large-scale, high quality, diverse dataset. Our new dataset consists of 1150 scenes that each span 20 seconds, consisting of well synchronized and calibrated high quality LiDAR and camera data captured across a range of urban and suburban geographies. It is 15x more diverse than the largest cam-era+LiDAR dataset available based on our proposed geographical coverage metric. We exhaustively annotated this data with 2D (camera image) and 3D (LiDAR) bounding boxes, with consistent identifiers across frames. Finally, we provide strong baselines for 2D as well as 3D detection and tracking tasks. We further study the effects of dataset size and generalization across geographies on 3D detection methods. Find data, code and more up-to-date information at http://www.waymo.com/open.
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Riemannian geometry provides powerful tools to explore the latent space of generative models while preserving the inherent structure of the data manifold. Lengths, energies and volume measures can be derived from a pullback metric, defined through the immersion that maps the latent space to the data space. With this in mind, most generative models are stochastic, and so is the pullback metric. Manipulating stochastic objects is strenuous in practice. In order to perform operations such as interpolations, or measuring the distance between data points, we need a deterministic approximation of the pullback metric. In this work, we are defining a new metric as the expected length derived from the stochastic pullback metric. We show this metric is Finslerian, and we compare it with the expected pullback metric. In high dimensions, we show that the metrics converge to each other at a rate of $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{D}\right)$.
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Insects as pollinators play a key role in ecosystem management and world food production. However, insect populations are declining, calling for a necessary global demand of insect monitoring. Existing methods analyze video or time-lapse images of insects in nature, but the analysis is challenging since insects are small objects in complex and dynamic scenes of natural vegetation. The current paper provides a dataset of primary honeybees visiting three different plant species during two months of summer-period. The dataset consists of more than 700,000 time-lapse images from multiple cameras, including more than 100,000 annotated images. The paper presents a new method pipeline for detecting insects in time-lapse RGB-images. The pipeline consists of a two-step process. Firstly, the time-lapse RGB-images are preprocessed to enhance insects in the images. We propose a new prepossessing enhancement method: Motion-Informed-enhancement. The technique uses motion and colors to enhance insects in images. The enhanced images are subsequently fed into a Convolutional Neural network (CNN) object detector. Motion-Informed-enhancement improves the deep learning object detectors You Only Look Once (YOLO) and Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (Faster R-CNN). Using Motion-Informed-enhancement the YOLO-detector improves average micro F1-score from 0.49 to 0.71, and the Faster R-CNN-detector improves average micro F1-score from 0.32 to 0.56 on the our dataset. Our datasets are published on: https://vision.eng.au.dk/mie/
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In today's uncertain and competitive market, where enterprises are subjected to increasingly shortened product life-cycles and frequent volume changes, reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) applications play a significant role in the manufacturing industry's success. Despite the advantages offered by RMS, achieving a high-efficiency degree constitutes a challenging task for stakeholders and decision-makers when they face the trade-off decisions inherent in these complex systems. This study addresses work tasks and resource allocations to workstations together with buffer capacity allocation in RMS. The aim is to simultaneously maximize throughput and minimize total buffer capacity under fluctuating production volumes and capacity changes while considering the stochastic behavior of the system. An enhanced simulation-based multi-objective optimization (SMO) approach with customized simulation and optimization components is proposed to address the abovementioned challenges. Apart from presenting the optimal solutions subject to volume and capacity changes, the proposed approach support decision-makers with discovered knowledge to further understand the RMS design. In particular, this study presents a problem-specific customized SMO combined with a novel flexible pattern mining method for optimizing RMS and conducting post-optimal analyzes. To this extent, this study demonstrates the benefits of applying SMO and knowledge discovery methods for fast decision-support and production planning of RMS.
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Adaptation-relevant predictions of climate change are often derived by combining climate models in a multi-model ensemble. Model evaluation methods used in performance-based ensemble weighting schemes have limitations in the context of high-impact extreme events. We introduce a locally time-invariant model evaluation method with focus on assessing the simulation of extremes. We explore the behaviour of the proposed method in predicting extreme heat days in Nairobi.
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This paper presents an accurate, highly efficient, and learning-free method for large-scale odometry estimation using spinning radar, empirically found to generalize well across very diverse environments -- outdoors, from urban to woodland, and indoors in warehouses and mines - without changing parameters. Our method integrates motion compensation within a sweep with one-to-many scan registration that minimizes distances between nearby oriented surface points and mitigates outliers with a robust loss function. Extending our previous approach CFEAR, we present an in-depth investigation on a wider range of data sets, quantifying the importance of filtering, resolution, registration cost and loss functions, keyframe history, and motion compensation. We present a new solving strategy and configuration that overcomes previous issues with sparsity and bias, and improves our state-of-the-art by 38%, thus, surprisingly, outperforming radar SLAM and approaching lidar SLAM. The most accurate configuration achieves 1.09% error at 5Hz on the Oxford benchmark, and the fastest achieves 1.79% error at 160Hz.
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Biological cortical networks are potentially fully recurrent networks without any distinct output layer, where recognition may instead rely on the distribution of activity across its neurons. Because such biological networks can have rich dynamics, they are well-designed to cope with dynamical interactions of the types that occur in nature, while traditional machine learning networks may struggle to make sense of such data. Here we connected a simple model neuronal network (based on the 'linear summation neuron model' featuring biologically realistic dynamics (LSM), consisting of 10 of excitatory and 10 inhibitory neurons, randomly connected) to a robot finger with multiple types of force sensors when interacting with materials of different levels of compliance. Scope: to explore the performance of the network on classification accuracy. Therefore, we compared the performance of the network output with principal component analysis of statistical features of the sensory data as well as its mechanical properties. Remarkably, even though the LSM was a very small and untrained network, and merely designed to provide rich internal network dynamics while the neuron model itself was highly simplified, we found that the LSM outperformed these other statistical approaches in terms of accuracy.
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